
Donate to The Amplification Project!

All gifts to The Amplification Project are meaningful, no matter how big or small. Your contributions help us to realize our mission to preserve, share, and amplify art and activism inspired, influenced, and affected by forced migration. 

Currently, your donation counts towards the development and improvement of The Amplification Project's website.

The Amplification Project is in affiliation with Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a non-profit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to The Amplification Project are tax-deductible through SEE (EIN #95-4116679).

 There are two ways to give:

1. By Paypal or credit card

If you donate by credit card, please note that Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, or a variation of SEE, will show up on your credit card statement. 

2. By check

Please make checks payable to Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE) with The Amplification Project written in the memo section. Checks can be mailed to:

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23532 Calabasas Road Suite A
Calabasas, CA 91302
Tel: 818-225-9150

Thank you for your donation to The Amplification Project!