Submission Guide

We are an independent, participatory community archive, and by contributing to the archive, you are making your materials and comments available to users of the site.

We welcome digital files of artwork and activist projects that you created in the form of photographs, digital images, audio and video recordings (theater, music, dance, spoken-word, performance art, activism events, etc.), stories, essays, reflections, poetry, graphic novels, webzines, posters, pamphlets, new media art, and other content inspired, influenced, or affected by forced migration. We also welcome your comments on the archive's content.

There are two ways to submit materials:


  1. Click the “Submit Your Work” tab in the menu
  2. Choose the type of item you want to contribute, e.g., “Image” or “Text”
  3. Upload your file (500MB maximum)
  4. Fill out the form (title of work, artist name, date work was created, etc.)
  5. For “Rights” we recommend using a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 You can learn more about Creative Commons licensing here
  6. Add your email address (required)
  7. Upload your file (in the case of a video, upload an mp4 file and/or provide a Youtube or Vimeo link, in the case of audio, upload an mp3 file)
  8. Geolocate the item: enter the city and country in which you created the item
  9. Read and agree to Terms and Conditions 
  10. Click “Contribute”
  11. If you are submitting a collection of items, please contact:, and we’ll work with you to set this up. 


  1. Create a guest user account to submit your items. You will only have to do this once. Click “Register” (located top right on each page of the site) and follow the instructions. When your account has been created, follow the steps in section "A" above. 

There is one way to submit comments about materials: 

  1. Create a guest user account. Click “Register” (located top right on each page of the site) and follow the instructions. 

A few other things:

  • All contributors have complete authority over the description of their work. How much or little description you want to provide for your work is entirely up to you, and we will not change your descriptive information without first asking permission. We're also happy to work with contributors if they wish to modify the presentation of their materials or to learn more about the project.
  • As we are a public archive, please do not submit materials or comments that are confidential, offensive, defamatory towards another person, or that may put individuals/communities at risk of any harm.
  • Members of the Amplification Project's Collective Advisory Group review all submissions (items and comments) before being publicly available on the site. Please give us 3-5 days to review and publish your item(s). If we have any questions about your item(s), we will be in touch.
  • If you believe that another person has made your work available on this site against your wishes or in a way that constitutes copyright infringement or violates your moral or intellectual property rights, please contact us at Please include a detailed description of the material(s) in question, including the URL, your reason(s) for wanting it removed, and your email address. We will review the request, and if validated, we will remove the relevant material immediately. 

Thank you for participating in The Amplification Project: Digital Archive for Forced Migration, Contemporary Art, and Action! Your participation creates the meaning and value of this archive.