An Immersive Installation, works on paper, videos of the Mandala Project Series by Lilli Muller and footage from video.
The installation is meant to draw attention to the global refugee crisis - through war, famine, natural disasters, socio-economic shifts, radical climate change and political discordance, as it continues to accelerate extreme power struggles, political trends, inequality and destruction. Destabilized cultures clashing with old systems and beliefs, the world in continuous flux, and a rapidly increasing technology expanding at the speed of light leaves the individual person fragmented, divided, isolated, fearful, anxious and out of balance. The current situations we find ourselves in forces us to re-evaluate our existence and demand massive reform and re-evaluation. This global volatility pushes us to the brink of the biggest humanitarian crisis of all: the loss of humanity and the environment as we know it. Yet it is an important time of courage to reflect and redefine our future on this planet. “Leap and the net will appear!"
We as people are the knots that make up the net. We are all part of one net, and simultaneously an individual important cornerstone (knot) of the net in order to complete its structure without any leaks and holes as the weak spot. United we are strong, and united we can make a difference. Collectively we can overcome the huge challenges mankind has created, and continue to expand to where we are today.
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