Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Sulaj, Klaudja (Albania)

Spirit Through the Mirror, by Klaudja Sulaj (Albania)

Klaudja Sulaj uses photography and print as a ‘machine’ that randomly delivers meaning through stints, glitches, and random machine-layering of images. She turns toward the Mediterranean and is turning the Mediterranean into truth about the meaning of being. Inspired by the notion of ‘cradle of civilization’, she combines her attitude of functioning as a seer, an empathic, channeler of spirits, mirroring doubles, and conjured images from the ‘out of life.’ In her works, the ‘out of life’ apparitions seem to say, “ I was damaged, but I’m a shaman. The soul has won. I have put out the origins of the pain. Listen to me. My wounds have the power to heal because I healed myself."

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